Monday, September 16, 2019

Has Child Behavior Worsened Over the Years? Essay

â€Å"Is your child forgetful, irresponsible, moody, and prone to daydreaming? (Figure 1.1) Does he seem to lack motivation and become easily bored?† (Empowering Parents) Has the problem become worse than it was a year ago? A child’s behavior is defined solely by environmental factors such as; family, cultures, and everyday experiences. As a result, studies have shown that due to these factors, children’s behavior has become worse. â€Å"A child’s behavior may be a problem if it doesn’t match the expectations of the family or if it is disruptive.† (Family Parents are children’s greatest role models. â€Å"Your children will see your example – positive or negative – as a pattern for the way life is to be lived.† (Rcmp.Grc.go) â€Å"The 1960 Census reported that nine percent of children lived in single parent families, compared with the 28% reported by 2000.† ( In 2012, according to the Cen sus Bureau about 80% of children were raised by single mothers. Therefore, many disadvantages come from a single parent household. The American Academy of Pediatrics proposes that boys in a single household become more â€Å"aggressive† trying to full the â€Å"father’s role† in the household. If the mother is absent, the young girls try to become the â€Å"caretaker† looking out for her family. (Everydaylife.GlobalPost) This leads children to raise themselves, forcing them to give up their childhood. This also could lead them into trouble because the children wouldn’t know right from wrong which is leading up to child behavioral problems. Single parents are also often financially stressed, making it hard n children. Children will be able to read through your stress and as they grow older, some would want to help. This will lead the children into desperation – causing them to steal or maybe bringing in dirty money, money they have earned illegally. Parents today are also becoming younger and younger. Kids raising kids is drastic. The cons of this are these young parents trying to be friends with their children instead of coaching them. Everything these young parents listen to or do, they will let their children do the same, thinking this act is â€Å"cute.† Many people with argue that child behavior has improved because of education, the technology is better. â€Å"Education is great. Education is by far better today than a hundred years ago! The fields of learning have been opened up to boys and girls equally to seek out far greater possibilities than were even imaginable a hundred years ago. The Education now is a better  than before. We are not beaten and now we can use internet for Education.† – Alisham2002 ( Though technology has improved, and today’s education is better, this has nothing to do with the behavior of this generation. Technology is a downfall; kids have access to everything and are actually becoming too independent on electronics. Culture and everyday experiences such as music and video games have had a huge impact of children’s behavior. Music videos and games have become extremely explicit. I’ve known and seen children dance provocatively and cussing up a storm like the rappers does. Whereas, my mom would have never went for that! In conclusion, child behavior has worsened over the years because of single parenting in households, teen parenting, and today’s music and culture. In earlier years, there was a limit to all of these things. There could be a passcode on your TV so no child would witness th ese explicit things. Today, parenting is terrible and so is children’s behavior. Works Citied: â€Å"Dealing With An Angry, Acting-Out Child?† Parenting Articles about Arguing & Fighting. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 June 2014. . â€Å"What You Can Do to Change Your Child’s Behavior.† Health Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 June 2014. . â€Å"The Rise-and Fall?-of Single-Parent Families.† The Rise-and Fall?-of Single-Parent Families. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 June 2014. . â€Å"Family Issues for Single Parents.† Everyday Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 June 2014. .

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